Congratulations to our new category chairmen and vice chairmen for 2019

Congratulations to our new category chairmen and vice chairmen for 2019

Historic Racing South AfricaThe HRSA Annual General Meeting for Categories was held at the Piston Ring Club last night, the 20th of March 2019.

After feedback was given by our chairmen for the 2018 racing season the members got down to business choosing their new category chairmen that will represent them for the 2019 racing season.

The HRSA wish to congratulate our new chosen chairmen and look forward at continuing to build on the work those have done before them. The outgoing chairmen are thanked for their dedication and commitment they had pledged to the club in the time they served. The consensus is that the club is healthy but needs to focus on the future to ensure growth.

Pre-1980 Historic Saloons

For the Pre-1980 Historic Saloons the new chairman will be Johann Smith. Smith is better known in recent times as racing the beautifully prepared Mazda Capella even though he has raced in both Regional and National racing in the past. Johann’s vision is that of uniting those involved in historic racing in Gauteng and wish to involve competitors more in important decision making. His vice chairman will be Stewart Mclarty. Well known in the racing fraternity, Mclarty brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience when he served as chairman of the Clubmans series for well over 20 years. A man with a vision and the will to see it through, both Smith and Mclarty are bound to make a formidable team with the ability to take the category to new heights.

Johann Smith
Johann Smith
Chairman: Pre-1980 Historic Saloons
Stewart Mclarty
Stewart Mclarty
Vice Chairman: Pre-1980 Historic Saloons

Pre-1990 Sports & GT

For the Pre-1990 Sports & GT category Peter Jenkins will remain as chairman with Stefan Puschavez again being his vice chairman for 2019. Jenkins, a man passionate about Sports & GT racing, has had years of experience in the field. It was also his vision that saw the birth of the Historic Endurance Series. Even though it went through a tough patch last year, he is optimistic and determined to make it a great success in 2019. Puschavez, an avid Porsche fan and renowned in the racing industry for his accomplishments, brings with him a wealth of knowledge in the finer technicalities of cars raced in the Sports & GT category. Both, with their commonly shared passion, have a commonly shared vision to succeed in their goals for 2019.

Peter Jenkins
Peter Jenkins
Chairman: Pre-1990 Sports & GT
Stefan Puschavez
Stefan Puschavez
Vice Chairman: Pre-1990 Sports & GT

Historic Pursuit Racing Series

Due to his diligence and hard work growing the Historic Pursuit Racing Series, Rob Clark will remain the chairman of the category. Also, with years of experience in the racing industry, Clark may be better known for driving the iconic reproduction Citroen that Sarel van Der Merwe raced. This passion and determination have seen healthy growth in the category in 2018. Someone that was part of kickstarting the Pursuiters on their new path was Nick van Wyk. He was sadly forced to bow out of service due to illness. Now, back to good health, members unanimously voted him back into the vice chairman seat. With Clark’s determination knowing no bounds, and Van Wyk’s new found energy they are bound to build on their success from the past.

Rob Clark
Rob Clark
Chairman: Historic Pursuit Racing
Nick van Wyk
Nick van Wyk
Vice Chairman: Historic Pursuit Racing

Historic Production Cars

The category most suffering from a lack of entries in recent times is that of the Historic Production Cars. With many limitations, an embattled economy and many promises of cars being built, that would make it to the grid, both chairman Colin Green and vice chairman Gary Stacey held onto the hope of some promise that never materialised. And that, through no fault of their own, realised that many would rather safely keep the original cars in museums. Green, known to some as a Kyalami marshal and to others as the racer of the Paintcor Mazda 323, remains optimistic that the category might succeed with a new approach in 2019. Gary Stacey, being in racing from childhood, and better known in recent days as racing the Ford Interceptor, a recreation raced by Sarel van der Merwe in the 80’s, brings with him a wealth of racing history. With the possibility of introducing the new Pre-1990 Historic Production category. They are both optimistic it will allow a bigger window and more inclusive approach and in turn will motivate more people in returning to the track with those iconic cars we love from yesteryear.

Colin Green
Colin Green
Chairman: Historic Production Cars
Gary Stacey
Gary Stacey
Vice Chairman: Historic Production Cars

One thing is for certain, those chosen in their leadership roles, all share the common goal of making the Historic Racing South Africa club one of the most attractive and best organised clubs in South Africa.

Next AGM – 17 April 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the club will be held on 17 April 2019 at the Piston Ring Club. This meeting is for nominating and voting for a club chairman and vice chairman as well as treasurer. Notification for nominations will be sent out in due course.

Important Regulation Notices issued by MSA

Motorsport South Africa has issued two Historic circulars and details amendments to tyres used in the Pre-1980 Historic Saloons and Pre-1990 Historic Racing categories. The official breakout times for Pre-1980 Historic Regulations for 2019 has also been published as part of the circulars.

Click on the relevant Download to read.

Lap Times – Pre-1980 Historic Saloons
Lap Times – Pre-1980 Historic Saloons

Round 1 – 23 March 2019 – Midvaal Raceway

The Friday Practice Programme, Saturday Race Programme and Pit Allocations is now available for download from the Downloads section of the website.

Best of luck to all our competitors this coming weekend.