It’s Noggin night again.

Noggin Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 18h30.

The famous HRSA Noggin night will be held once again at the Piston Ring Club, Bloemfontein road, Modderfontein. Be sure not to miss it. This is where you catch up with your racing mates, find out what is happening behind the scenes with the club. There are awards to be dished out  for car, driver and top dog of the Phakisa race meeting.

So what is on the agenda for Wednesday 15 May 2018?

  1. First and foremost the  Famous Boerie roll courtesy of Brad the Braaimaster.
  2. Election of the Historic Pursuit Category chairman. The previous chairman stood down when elected Chairman of HRSA. Pursuiters be there to cast your vote. You had a practice run at the National elections last week.
  3. Phakisa awards. Car and Driver of the day in Universal Healthcare Pre 80 Saloons and Charlies Superspar Pursuit Challenge. 
  4. Zwartkops update. Next race is 18 May 2019 at Zwartkops.
  5. East London update. Our BIG away tour. Hear what is planned.
  6. Mystery Guest speaker.  Our guest speaker has been involved in all facets of motor sport for over 40 years and has rubbed shoulders with some of the biggest names in the sport. Don’t miss it.
  7. See you there.